מאגר ספרי הזוהר העולמי דף הזוהר היומי -הרב סיני

Purim Praying Times – English-Beit Midrash "Ateret Yeshayahu Holmin"

 האדמור בכותל4

BS"D  Beit Midrash "Ateret Yeshayahu Holmin"

Nachal Lachish 24/8 Ramat Beit Shemesh

Beit Midrash "Ateret Yeshayahu Holmin"


Mishenichnas Adar marbin b'simcha.

to celebrate these days of Purim in their appointed times

Purim davening times:

  • Shabbat – Parashat Zachor: ………………………………………..approximately 10:00
  • Ma'ariv Motzei Shabbat:……………………………………………………………18:40
  • Work and preparations for Purim are forbidden until:…………………………….18:24
  • Rabbeinu Tam………………………………………………………………………19:03
  • Megilla Reading for women Motzei Shabbat………………………………………20:45
  • Latest time for Kiddush Levana Motzei Shabbat………..Purim night, 14 Adar, all night

Purim Day

  • Megilla Reading for women:…………………………………………………….….10:00
  • Mincha…………………………………………………………………………….…13:30
  • Ma'ariv………………………………………………………………………………..19:00

After Mincha the doors will be closed –and the congregation will gather to recite P'tach Eliyahu 70 times as a minyan in the presence of the Shechina, to banish the sitra achra from Eretz Yisrael, and subdue the negative spiritual influence of the seventy nations. And in that manner we will increase the holiness, b'ezrat Hashem, and will therefore be able to begin our festive meals. The numerical value of the Hebrew phrase "nichnas yayin yotzei sod" equals 70, and in the merit of studying the hidden Torah the ray of Israel and the decedents of Yaakov Avinu – called the "father of seventy nations" – will shine forth.

Notice from the Administration

"they celebrate their salvation forever". For the salvation of Purim is for all generations, and the existence of every Jewish descendant since then is in the merit of that event. (Sefat Emet on Purim)

Shacharit is one of the five hashkamot – It is appropriate to be stringent and give Mechatzit Hashekel in the morning before the Megilla reading, in order to fulfill the opinion that says one must give it before Megilla reading (the Holy Admor of Klonigsburg, ztz"l). – One should have the intention during the blessing of Shehechiyanu also for the mitzvah of Gifts to the Poor and Mishloach Monot, and the Purim feast. – After the Megilla reading during the day the blessing "rav et riveinu", "shoshanat Yaakov". And "ashrei" are blessed [and afterwards "l'minatzeach"], Tehillin 22, "E-li, E-li", Tehillim 30 "Mizmor shir Chanukat habayit l'David. (see Megillah 4). And one should recite the entire book of Tehilim after the prayers, for "everyone who extends his hand, is provided for". After the prayers one should deliver Mishloach Manot and say "hareini mikayem b'zot mitzvah Mishloach Manot l're'ehu". The Amoraim used to exchange food for the feast with each other (Megilla 7). – Mordechai legislated "matanot l'evyonim" to elevate the soul of Moshe Rabbeinu, may he rest in peace, who participated with us in revoking the decree (see the Alshich on Esther, 9:22). – One should be cautious about hafrashat Challah when many different cakes and cookies are baked in one batch. – It is praiseworthy to occupy oneself with Torah before the feast in order to fulfill what is written, "It was, the light is Torah" (Megilla 16). – Study the Pesach Hagaddah a little bit to fulfill the law "thirty days before the holiday (Sanhedrin 12: see there 5).

  • Purim Meal at 17:00, to continue in the night of the 15th.
  • Times for delivering Mishloach Manot to Rabbeinu shlita: from 12:30 to 13:30 and after 17:00

השאירו תגובה.

כתובת דוא"ל לא תוצגחובה למלא שדות מסומנים *
