מאגר ספרי הזוהר העולמי דף הזוהר היומי -הרב סיני

ב"ה Complete Zohar Tehillim (תרגום שער זוהר תהלים


The Complete Zohar-Psalms

“In Lush Meadows”

(the sayings of David-Shimon)

A word of explanation on the title of this book:

Learning of the Zohar and Psalms has been called “Binot Desheh”[1] (in Lush Meadows) (Psalms 23:2). Zohar and Psalms in combination are a holy vessel bringing about the unification of the Almighty with His Shechina (the Divine outflow in the world). A Jew is enabled to inherit these “lush meadows” as a perpetual gift through the merit of learning in the Garden of Eden in the Upper Worlds. The pearls described here have been drawn from the Zohar Ha’Kadosh.


The “Segulot” of Psalms

By the grace of the Almighty this work is a monumental and historic initiative to present the two holy pillars of our Jewish heritage in combination: Mizmorei Tehillim (Psalms) with the Zohar Kadosh. Each chapter has been meticulously annotated with “segulot” (special blessings based upon our holy traditions which are hidden within the original Hebrew text).

The Zohar-Psalms Learning Schedules

The book contains three calendars for the reading of Zohar and Psalms:

1)      Enabling completion of the Book of Psalms within one month;

2)      Enabling completion of the Book of Psalms with daily readings over the course of an entire year;

3)      A Daf Yomi learning schedule, coordinated with the Daf Yomi Gemara and Daf Yomi of the Zohar Kadosh.

A Heaven-backed guarantee of having your prayers heard

The learning of Zohar Kadosh together with the Book of Psalms is the gilt-edged pledge that your heartfelt reciting of the Psalms will be heard in the highest Heavens. The favorable reception to our prayers and Shema Yisrael is a great merit indeed. We learn from Tikun 43 of the Tikunei Zohar circumstances under which: “Even if Israel pray and recite Shema Yisrael, the Almighty will not answer them.” As an illustration of the Heavenly cause and effect dynamics being described here, take a look at the “Roshei Teva” (Hebrew initials) of the words “Tehillim” (starting with letter “Tuv”) Zohar (starting with letter “Zayin”). These two letters are a abbreviation in Israel for “Te’udat Zahut,” which is the citizens personal I/D card in the State of Israel. The Psalms and Zohar are your personal passport to a favorable reception in the Heavenly realms for all of your prayers.

Awesome testimony from the Holocaust of the power of Zohar Kadosh to save

During the dark years of the European Holocaust a startling discovery was made. Jews that were used to reading the Petach Eliyahu (“Gate of Elijah the Prophet”) by heart before their prayers on a daily basis were found to have survived again and again—whereas other Jews side-by-side with them perished. (The Petach Eliyahu prayer is part of the Tikunei Zohar.) Here we see a clear demonstration of the awesome power of the Zohar to save. (“Adut b’Yaakov) From those few minutes required for reciting the Zohar, a devastating judgment from Heaven could be overturned! Eye has not seen the exceedingly great merit awaiting those who pin their faith on the G-d of Israel. According to the Ari ha’Kadosh, the souls of such believers were purified—and they will surely become elevated to the highest spiritual heights. A promise from Heaven awaits all Israel each and every day that they recite Petach Eliyahu, no matter whether elderly, youth, or “Tinokei d’Raban” (little children learning their first Hebrew letters and words). (תתחושב כאן יכול להיות לכתוב גם "גברים או נשים"!) This holy prayer is your gateway to Elijah the Prophet of Blessed Memory—and in any moment, we will merit seeing the coming of our righteous Messiah, redeemer of all Israel. May it be soon in our days! Amen.

The power of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai to deliver from harsh judgments

This saving power is very great on all who earn the favor of the Godly sage, Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai—“on all who learn from my Torah” (Gittin 16). Of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai is has been said he possessed the power to purify the world from harsh judgments. In the sage’s own words: “We sustain all the worlds.” (Succah 45)[2] From here we can derive a lesson on life for all who visit the Tzion (burial place) of the Holy Rashbi (Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai) at Meron in the Galilean hills of Israel. What of one who visits the sage’s grave, but does not learn Zohar? The person pictured here is either an ignorant person; or mentally deficient; דררעי; or they are from the Erev Rav; or their souls is derived from the “klippot” husks of Amalek. We learn from the Zohar that it would be better for such a person that they had never been created at all[3]  They do not believe in the words of the holy Tanna, Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai—and not even their prayers are answered. But in contrast, when a Jew learns Zohar together with their Psalms, a great voice calls out: “Brothers, friends, let’s all join together as one single body in this great work. In the merit of learning Zohar together with the Psalms, the Almighty will give us strength to endure all harsh decrees, and prevent evil happenings from exercising any sovereignty over the Jewish people. In the merit of the Zohar, we will see the coming our righteous Messiah with mercy. Amen.

המרח"ו (may his merit defend us) wrote: “What did the Prophet Jeremiah mean when he said: “All the mountains collapsed…” This verse relates to the devastating outcome awaiting young men and scholars who habitually turn away from learning the Kabbala and Zohar ha’Kadosh.

[1] Roshei Teva: אמרות ד'וד ש'מעון  (the words of King David and Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai) are contained in the word “desheh.”

[2] ח"ג, קכ"ח

[3] Zohar, מהרה"ז, Kisey Melekh, Ha’Gra



השאירו תגובה.

כתובת דוא"ל לא תוצגחובה למלא שדות מסומנים *
